Jimmy Hough Jr's Site

Hello, SwiftIO

How did I find it?

A lot has happened since the last update. I've landed a gig that I thought would be a quick port of C++ on Arduino to Swift , but is now implementing DCC from the ground up.

It reminds me of the USB standard in that seems to not have the distilled reqs. In order to be Swifty I think the longer road makes more sense. This has caused me to learn some about model railroading, something I never thought I had any interest in. It also involves building some HW and I like using my formal education , despite being an autodidact.

The target platform was the SwiftIO board from madmachines. They also have the SwiftIO Feather board which is the same core, in a smaller form factor.

What do I think about it?

This I am very excited about as having swift on embedded in an easy to use platform has been a dream for some time. But like Swift in the browser, some dreams come true.

The kits seem very high quality from someone who has seen many products in the same segment over the years. Probably the best fit and finish I've ever seen. They have an active discord and I think every Swift developer intersted in IoT should give them a look. I personally think the prices are very good given comparable options and I think the exosystem has a bright future with SwiftIO at the edge and Vapor at the server.

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